It’s midnight. You head to the kitchen for a drink of water. As your bare feet scuff across the floor, you step on something tiny and plastic. It digs into the soft, unsuspecting bottom of your foot and you find a level of pain you’ve never before experienced. You glance down to see what the offending piece of plastic is and find it’s one of your kids’ LEGOs.
All humor aside, we know it’s hard to keep toys organized, and LEGOs particularly seem to have a mind of their own. This week, we’ll share some tips and project ideas to keep your kids’ toys and playrooms organized.
The first step toward feeling like toys aren’t taking over your home is to declutter. Sort everything into three piles if you can: donate, keep, and store. Give gently used toys to other friends or local resale shops. You know best which toys your kids play with on a regular basis, so leave those out in one pile that will be easily accessible. Set up a “storage” pile of toys your kids like but don’t play with all the time. These could be stored up higher in a closet or even in the basement. Put them away in a bin and cycle them in and out on a monthly (or however often you choose) basis. You can even let your kids “shop” the bin for new toys!
Try organizing the toys by type. Kids will have different needs depending on their ages, but you can have a specific area for toys whether you have a playroom or are using corners of your living and kids’ rooms. Sorting everything out will also help you see what type of organization will work best in your space. Where will you store the toys–in a closet? A playroom? How much wall space do you have? Do you need a closet organizational system, baskets, bins, or a shelving unit?
Once you figure out what toys are going where, whether that’s different areas of the home or in different bins and baskets, you can begin to shop for storage. Clear plastic bins allow kids to see what’s inside; otherwise, labels work well for older kids. Soft baskets allow toddlers’ hands to grab things without running the risk of getting hurt. Storage that doubles as seating can create a nice reading nook and be a great option to stow away those larger, bulkier toys.
If you need someone to put together a purchased shelving or storage unit, Hunter Handyman Services is happy to do so. We can also help you come up with the best storage solutions for your home or build a custom bench, bookshelf, or storage unit to help with toy and book organization. Give us a call at (815) 780-7884 for a free estimate today.